There was a fatal accident in Pandan Circle on 5th July 2014. I knew it from the TP appealing for witness signboard displayed on the roundabout.
I don't know if this case was related to the misunderstand of Roundabout's rule.
If it was really related, then who is responsible for creating this misleading "dangerous rule"?
As insurance companies are the pay-master for accident claim, motorists/workshops will accept the rules insurance companies adopt and take it as legal.
The Highway Code is within the Road Traffic Act. (see section 76 on roundabout).
It is available at:-;page=0;query=DocId%3A%22be8eb243-8c46-449a-b9b6-c0909be66f7b%22%20Status%3Ainforce%20Depth%3A0%20ValidTime%3A19920325000000%20TransactionTime%3A20140806000000;rec=0;whole=yes
This Act clearly stated Lane A vehicles have to exit straight-ahead while Lane B vehicle can exit straight-ahead or proceed further to exit right / U-turn.
I just don't understand why NTUC Income and FIDREC have this opinion that Lane A vehicles can exit anywhere they wish.
Their opinion can cause fatal accident when Lane B vehicle exiting straight-ahead!
I'm still waiting for NTUC Income reply as MAS required them to respond to my mail.
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